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ACM Queue often has very insightful articles, and this one is no exception. The article ACM Queue - Death by UML Fever - Are you (or your developers) sick? covers a major problem in software development in a somewhat humorous fashion. I've seen several variations of this problem, but I never thought of it as an illness.
For those who are appalled at the article and who consider the author to be a heretic, you might to step over to another article in the same issue. In ACM Queue - The Fever is Real -, Grady Booch comments on the UML Fever, both the article and the affliction.
Another good piece of commentary on the subject is Death by UML-more [April 23, 2004].
The most important thing to take away from all of these articles is that UML is a tool (or a set of tools), not a life style, not a religion, and certainly not a solution to all problems everywhere. I'll be glad when more people use the tool was it was intended, instead of using in yet another round of holy wars.
Posted by GWade at April 23, 2004 10:52 PM. Email comments