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August 10, 2004

Review of The Little Schemer

The Little Schemer
Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen
The MIT Press, 1996.

One of my wife's friends recommended this book for learning Scheme. He's a big proponent of Scheme and has even done research into teaching Scheme to kids. He is quite knowledgeable in his field. On the other hand, I have never written a line of Scheme; although I did some coursework with LISP during my master's degree. Although I don't normally choose to work in LISP(-based) languages, I can appreciate some of their power.

I realized that this book was going to require a bit of suspension of disbelief in the preface, where I found this gem:

Most collections of data, and hence most programs, are recursive.

I agree that there are many useful collections of data that are recursive. I would even agree that many programs apply recursion. But I find the assertion that most are recursive a little strong. In fact, the only way I could see this is if the language the writers were working in treated almost everything as recursion. And, of course, this is the case.

The other real problem I had with the book is the style. The book is written as a series of questions and answers that lead you to the conclusions that they wish. Some of these question and answer sessions became quite strained; such as trying to explain how a complicated function works. In other spots, the authors asked a question that there is no way the reader could have begun to answer. The authors would then respond with something like:

You were not expected to be able to do this yet, because you are missing some of the ingredients.

I found this style very jarrng. I've learned a dozen or so languages from books (including LISP), and I've never had this much trouble understanding a computer language. The style may work for someone else, but it did nothing for me.

From the comments above, you might decide that I have nothing good to say about the book. That's actually not the case. I found the Five Rules and the Ten Commandments to be very effective ideas. The Five Rules basically define some of the most primitive operations in the language. The Ten Commandments state some important best practices.

I was also surprised at times by really sweet pieces of code and understanding that would come after some prolonged pseudo-Socratic Q&A sessions. Some of the insights and commandments are well worth the read. But, overall I found it difficult going.

Since it is considered one of the classics for learning Scheme, you should probably consider it if you are needing to learn Scheme or LISP. If all you've done is code in C or Java, it might be worth reading to introduce yourself to another way of looking at problems. But, I find it very hard to recommend this book to anyone else.

Posted by GWade at August 10, 2004 10:19 PM. Email comments