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December 09, 2007

The Show Me Response

This week, there was an interesting post on Jeff Atwood's Coding Horror blog. This essay was on Shuffling. Shuffling is an application of random numbers, which is a particular interest of mine. I will write more on that subject in an upcoming essay.

One of the comments caught my eye because it echoed a sentiment I have fought several times in my career. The commenter referred to a particular simple solution to the problem and said

Random removal from a mutable array is the same approach I used last time, and the same approach I'll use next time, unless someone shows me why it's wrong.

This answer really bothered me. It wasn't particularly about the solution the person chose. I also would prefer not to abuse a particular person. After all, depending on the domain, it might be a reasonable answer. My problem is with the assumption that it is someone else's job to prove that the simple (naive) solution is not the best one.

I often run into this problem with code written by domain experts. The idea that the naive solution they created in 30 seconds of thought is probably better than the one created by a computer science expert after a great deal of research is baffling to me. The fact that the documented solution is easy to implement and supplied by many libraries makes this comment even more amazing. Just because the computer scientist doesn't know about your domain is no reason to discount their knowledge of the computer science domain.

As a professional programmer, I feel that improving my knowledge of algorithms is part of the craft of writing code. When looking at a new problem, I often try to check my books and online references for better solutions, especially if the problem seems particularly general. After all, many of the general problems in computer science have been studied for 30 or 40 years. Many of the people doing that research are extremely bright. They were also probably pretty knowledgeable about the area of their own research. It is relatively safe to assume that they knew more about the subject than I do.

Granted, our field often involves trade-offs. Sometimes the well-studied general algorithm is not the best solution to the particular problem you are working on. But, without understanding the general algorithm you can't know that. I have often heard comments along the line of our problem is much more complicated than this toy research problem, so we'll use our solution. (As an interesting footnote, almost every place I've ever worked in about two decades of software development was convinced that they are solving harder problems than everyone else.)

If the person making the comment has carefully considered the algorithm in question and can point to specific issues with the general algorithm, that is one thing. We all make design trade-offs all the time. However, if you don't bother to look at the general algorithm and assume that your approach is good enough, you are missing an opportunity to learn and you are potentially generating worse software in the bargain.

I have repeatedly worked on code where someone is implemented a horrible naive algorithm without bothering to look at the implications. For example, a recent performance problem was caused by an O(n2) algorithm that was easily converted into an O(n) algorithm with a small amount of thought. Unfortunately, the original programmer could not be bothered to look for a better approach. After all, in the small test sets he had checked the naive solution was fine.

I don't think it is unreasonable to expect a professional programmer to improve his or her craft by studying classical solutions to known problems. I also feel that, as professionals, we should welcome the opportunity to improve our understanding and our tools when a problem we are studying turns out to have a standard, well-researched solution. Understanding the solution improves our ability to analyze algorithms in the future. Seeing how the experts build and analyze algorithms will help you improve your ability to do the same.

Deciding that it is someone else's job to prove that the standard solution is better than your quick thought is handing the job of improving your skills to someone else. As a professional programmer, I realize that knowledge is what allows me to do my job. Seeking knowledge and understanding is, therefore, the most important thing I can do to improve my skills as a programmer.

Although I have been called arrogant many times, even I am not so arrogant as to believe that I am smarter and know more than all of the people working in software over the last 40 years.

Posted by GWade at December 9, 2007 07:01 PM. Email comments