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May 06, 2009

More SVG and Perl

In my last post, I talked about a quick little project that has grown into experimenting with several new tools/processes.

I finally got a reasonable release out on CPAN as SVG::Sparkline version 0.30. This version supports 6 different sparkline types: Area, Bar, Line, RangeArea, RangeBar, and Whisker. It also has better documentation in the form of a manual and a cookbook.

Proving once again that you never know who's watching, Jeff Schiller (of SVG fame) commented on my last post that I needed a demo. <grumble/> I had a little demo application that I was using to print a primitive gallery of sparklines for my own debugging purposes. I've cleaned up the output and put the Sparkline Gallery on-line.

I also found that the module did not have as high Kwalitee as I expected. So, I did some cleanup to improve that value. (If you haven't run across kwalitee before, you might think it's a misspelling. Actually, it's a part joke/part serious measure for Perl modules. Check out the article for details.

I would have had this version finished sooner, if another SVG project had not distracted me. David Dailey mentioned the idea of a Friendly Little Intermittent Clockfest. The last few times this subject came up, I was not tempted. For some reason, this time it bit me. Sometime soon, I'll probably be adding an SVG clock gallery to my site as well.

Every now and then the programming muse shows up and the ideas start flowing.<grin/>

Update: Thanks to a minor failure on my part the 0.30 release was missing the Manual. I've released 0.31 to fix that.

Posted by GWade at May 6, 2009 08:30 PM. Email comments