Some issues are not specific to one programming language, but are still more language level than computer science or business. This category covers those topics.
Development methodologies seem to be everywhere. They claim to improve development by focusing above the level of writing code to the process and forces that support and hinder development.
Much of the practice of writing code is driven by how you think about problems and solutions. These posts focus on helping you to think about programming.
In addition to making your code work, you need to be aware of how others may break your results. Security is an important topic for almost all programmers, but most aren't aware of it.
One of the standard paradigms of concurrent programming has been threading. These posts relate to particular issues and design decision related to threads.
Much of programming involves communication with the slow, buggy peripheral on the other side of the screen/keyboard/mouse. These posts discuss issues relating to the user.
Version control is a critical part of a programmer's ability to actually accomplish work. These posts cover issues and ideas I have stumbled across while working with different VCSs.
XML is relatively wide-spread in programming. In recent years, it has lost some of its luster, but it is still a foundation of much of the web. These posts cover topics relating specifically to XML.