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HCG 2008 Summer Study Group

Each year, the Houston Calligraphy Guild provides a free summer study group for its members and the general public (up to room capacity). The topic for 2008 is "Getting Started with (or Revisiting) Copperplate," led by Debbie Campbell. The class will meet on three second Saturdays — June 14, July 12, and August 9 — from 9 am to noon.


Supply List — What To Wear, What (Not) To Bring & What To Expect

If you have to miss Day 1 (June 14), you are welcome to attend Days 2 and 3 (July 12 and August 9), but expect to feel a little lost if you are a beginner. We will cover a lot of the basics on Day 1, and less of the basics on Days 2 and 3.


  • Dress for comfort and for possible ink splatters :-)

What To Bring (Notice that many of these are optional)

  • A sweater or a seat/back cushion if you think you will need one.
  • A drink (no spills, please), snack, or money for the Coke machine if you like.
  • A ballpoint pen to take notes with, preferably in a color other than black (so that it stands out easily from your calligraphy).
  • A translucent ruler (best) or an envelope (from your junk mail?) to use as a straight edge.
  • A colored/watercolor pencil, if you have one or can borrow one, preferably in red, green, purple, or blue.
  • Something to hold tap water, for example, the top from some liquid detergent or the little measuring cup that comes with a liquid medicine like Pepto Bismol.
  • A few Ziploc-style bags, sandwich size and gallon size, to take home your pen and ink.
  • Some (baby) wipes or paper towels to clean up your work area and wipe off your hands.
  • A folder, portfolio, envelope, or binder for class handouts.
  • A totebag or bag to carry your supplies home.

Don't Bring Water, unless you just can't possibly work without distilled :-) We have several sinks near our classroom.

Experienced Calligraphers,

  • Please DO bring your favorite _Copperplate_ ink/gouache (Higgins Eternal, for example) _if_ you already have some.
  • DO bring your favorite inkwell. We have a limited number of inkwells so it will help if you bring what you already like to use.
  • DO offer to help with handing out papers, refilling ink, answering questions, etc.
  • DON'T bring your slant board to the first class, please, for space reasons.

Copyright © 2004-2008 Debbie Campbell (debbie@anomaly.org)